Deep deep in the dark woods there were two witches named Addie the big head and Baylee the one that does not know anything. When the sun was rising , two boys went in to the woods looking to find the witches. The boys name was Smashed In Nose and De.They could not find them for seven days. The two witches were following ,but one night Smashed In Nose woke up looking like a girl. Oh my bad he always does. He got mad at De but De did not care he tossed him in the river. They were on their way again they found the witches Smashed In Nose and ran right in two the witches feet. He smell like skunk spray. De left because he new he could not win the fight. Smashed In Noes he went again and got RKOed by Addie. The next time he was found by Will and Kaleb and they hung him from his underware hanging from a tree. Finally the witches went outside. They found Smashed In Noes no the tree. Then Will and Kaleb RKOed Addie and Baylee they tossed them in prison with Smashed In Noes girlfriend. They never got out but the witches.Good by Smashed In Noes